Instant portfolio insights across all your investments, in one place

Instant portfolio insights across all your investments, in one place

Instant portfolio insights across all your investments, in one place

Instant portfolio insights across all your investments, in one place

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View Your Portfolio by Asset Classes

View Your Portfolio by Asset Classes

View Your Portfolio by Asset Classes

Demeter lets you see your portfolio broken down by asset class so you can always see your diversification

Demeter lets you see your portfolio broken down by asset class so you can always see your diversification

Automatically Import and Organize Files

Automatically Import and Organize Files

Demeter is integrated into all investment portals so we automatically upload and update your portfolio

Demeter is integrated into all investment portals so we automatically upload and update your portfolio

Formulas and Citations

Formulas and Citations

All calculations and values are directly cited to your documents, so you can verify everything

All calculations and values are directly cited to your documents, so you can verify everything

View Your Portfolio by Asset Classes

Demeter lets you see your portfolio broken down by asset class so you can always see your diversification

Automatically Import and Organize Files

Demeter is integrated into all investment portals so we automatically upload and update your portfolio

Formulas and Citations

All calculations and values are directly cited to your documents, so you can verify everything

Additional Features


Entity Structures

Complex entity structures for wealth management and private equity

Report Generation

Create custom reports, get portfolio summaries, and build charts directly in your dashboard

Summarized Updates

Upload company and fund reports and extract summarized updates

Custom Dashboard

Track the metrics you care about across all of your portfolio

White Labeled

Allow clients to view portfolios on a site tailored to your firm

Portal Integrations

Automatic integrations into all portfolios, so you don't have to upload yourself

Let’s Connect and Get Started

Let’s Connect and Get Started

Let’s Connect and Get Started

Let’s Connect and Get Started

Schedule a Call Today to Explore Your Needs and Goals

Schedule a Call Today to Explore Your Needs and Goals

Schedule a Call Today to Explore Your Needs and Goals





Please reach out with additional questions

Please reach out with additional questions

Please reach out with additional questions

Who can benefit from this software?

The platform is ideal for private equity firms, fund managers, institutional investors, and family offices looking to enhance decision-making and streamline portfolio operations.

How does the software address the complexities of private equity?

How does AI improve portfolio management?

How secure is sensitive fund and investor data?

Can I generate investor-ready reports?

Does the software support multiple asset classes?

Who can benefit from this software?

The platform is ideal for private equity firms, fund managers, institutional investors, and family offices looking to enhance decision-making and streamline portfolio operations.

How does the software address the complexities of private equity?

How does AI improve portfolio management?

How secure is sensitive fund and investor data?

Can I generate investor-ready reports?

Does the software support multiple asset classes?

Who can benefit from this software?

The platform is ideal for private equity firms, fund managers, institutional investors, and family offices looking to enhance decision-making and streamline portfolio operations.

How does the software address the complexities of private equity?

How does AI improve portfolio management?

How secure is sensitive fund and investor data?

Can I generate investor-ready reports?

Does the software support multiple asset classes?

Who can benefit from this software?

The platform is ideal for private equity firms, fund managers, institutional investors, and family offices looking to enhance decision-making and streamline portfolio operations.

How does the software address the complexities of private equity?

How does AI improve portfolio management?

How secure is sensitive fund and investor data?

Can I generate investor-ready reports?

Does the software support multiple asset classes?

Copyright © 2025 Demeter. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2025 Demeter. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2025 Demeter. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2025 Demeter. All rights reserved.